Step into your power and Discover the Woman You're Meant to Be


Join me at Wild Bloom Academy for a deeply transformative journey crafted to empower women like you. If you're feeling overwhelmed by life’s challenges, stuck in cycles of stress and overwhelm, or seeking a profound connection with your true self, my sanctuary of transformation is your haven. Here, you can reclaim your health, whether it's hormonal imbalances, autoimmune diseases, gut issues, inflammations, pain, or burnout. I offer a nurturing space designed to help you access your body's innate wisdom, own your desires, activate your voice, and unleash your sensual power. Together, we'll awaken your inner medicine woman and confidently stride along the path your heart desires with a healthy, radiant body.

Wild Bloom is more than just a learning platform—it's an invitation to awaken the vibrant, powerful woman within. My programs, spanning 4 to 7 months, are tailored for those ready to dive deep into the realms of ceremonial breathwork, herbal wisdom, and heart-centered leadership. Whether you seek personal healing or aim to guide others as a certified practitioner, I cater to both your personal and professional aspirations with a blend of ancient rituals and modern healing practices.Are you ready to meet the real you? The passionate, free, healthy, and radiant woman waiting to be unleashed? Let me guide you on this transformative journey to not just learn, but to live your life as a vibrant ceremony of healing and joy. 


Embrace the Healing Magic of Breath and Herbal Wisdom


Embark on a transformative 7-month journey that blends breathwork, herbal wisdom, voice activation, chakra healing, and heart-centered leadership into an empowering experience.

This comprehensive program offers both personal healing and a pathway to professional development.

Start with foundational learning from February to June, where you'll lay the groundwork in breathwork, chakra healing, and the basics of herbalism.

Then, choose to continue from September to November with advanced techniques and professional development, culminating in your certification as a skilled practitioner in the arts of ceremonial breathwork and sacred space holding, using nature as your medicine cabinet.

Prepare to guide others, as a certified ceremonial breathwork practitioner and sacred space holder, embarking on the journey to become a plant priestess.


Part 1:

Your Healing Journey Through the Lower Chakras

4 Months (September - December) 




Breathwork Practice

Dive into the art of conscious, connected breathwork— a transformative method for emotional release, stress reduction, and inner peace. Explore various breathwork styles suited to different aspects of life, from calming to invigorating.


Herbal Wisdom and Medicine Making

Tap into ancient plant wisdom for healing and growth. Build your own herbal medicine cabinet, learn more about herbal remedies, and embrace the healing power of plants for your well-being. Say goodbye to pharmaceuticals and welcome natural remedies.


Chakra Exploration:

Begin your journey with the foundational lower chakras, starting with the Root Chakra. This lays the groundwork for sharing your gifts later on. Balance your energies, heal emotional blockages, and nurture a harmonious mind-body connection. Discover simple yet powerful practices to align these energy centers.


Nature Connection and Ritual

Strengthen your bond with nature and the elements through meaningful rituals. Learn to tune into cyclical living and seasonal rhythms, enhancing your overall well-being. Gain skills to create ceremonies for yourself and your community, create altars, connect with the elements, and explore a wide array of earth based rituals.


Nervous System Healing

Explore techniques for healing stress and trauma, finding balance and peace within your body. Empower yourself to support others on their healing journeys.


Empowerment Beyond the 'Good Girl' Archetype

Challenge behaviors like people-pleasing and self-neglect. Embrace your inner wild woman, live authentically, honor your needs, and express your truth without compromise.


Guest Teachers

Learn from a diverse group of expert teachers on topics such as Breathwork, Womb healing, Hormonal health, Gut health, Embodied movement, Somatic healing, Inner child healing, as well as heart centered leadership. These magical workshops will enrich your experience and offer valuable insights for personal growth.


Supportive Community

Join a compassionate community of fellow sisters. Engage in discussions and sharing circles that creates connections, nurturing your personal growth.



Nina is a wonderful woman, full of insight, knowledge and experiential wisdom.
Although we have not met in person I felt deeply sure I wanted to be a part of her Ceremonial Breathwork Training and She shared so much with us during this online training. I do hope to meet in Sweden and attend an in-person meeting soon.
Every week was such a blessed time of ceremony, connection and a space to be and absorb the trainings with so much material in text and also music playlists to draw from. It was so fun embodying a different element each week.
I was so grateful for the wonderful group of women who shared the container for the training.
I highly recommend Nina’s trainings and breathwork sessions to embark on this journey to know yourself on a deeper level through the life force energy of the breath.


- Chrissy -

Part 1:


Click on the Month to view the Weekly Theme.

Part 1:


Click on the Month to view the Weekly Theme.

Nina is a fantastic space holder who spreads lovely and warm energy. The Ceremonial breathwork is a wonderful course for both body and soul. I Am so grateful for these amazing weeks!”
Tack för dig 💗


- Sara Saga Lilja -

Part 2:

Nurturing Your Path as a Sacred Spaceholder
& Becoming a Certified Ceremonial Breathwork Facilitator,
Advancing through the Upper Chakras

3 Months (February - April 2025) 




Certification as a Ceremonial Breathwork Teacher

Upon completion, you'll earn certification as a Ceremonial Breathwork Practitioner and guide. You'll be fully prepared to share the profound benefits of breathwork with others, catalyzing transformative journeys.


Heart-Centered Leadership

Cultivate the qualities of a heart-centered leader, enabling you to hold sacred space for others with compassion, authenticity, and intuition. Acquire the skills to confidently lead breathwork sessions and healing practices, fostering lasting positive change.


Advanced Herbal Wisdom:

Deepen your connection with herbs on a profound level. Learn not only to harness herbs for your own well-being but also to share their wisdom with your friends and community, creating a ripple effect of healing.


Voice Activation

Uncover the art of expressing your authentic voice. Engage in ceremonies and rituals that harness the power of your voice to connect and guide.


Sound Healing

Delve into the fundamentals of sound healing and unlock the transformative potential of incorporating instruments and sounds into your offerings.


Expert Guidance

Benefit from the wisdom of guest teachers who specialize in voice activation, sound healing, pricing your services, stepping into your power, effective self-marketing, establishing a unique business presence, and much more. These experts will enrich your knowledge and empower your journey towards becoming a certified breathwork facilitator and sacred spaceholder.



Nina and her teachings are as Wild, Wise and Beautiful as the Meadow where she holds space.
I'm in awe of her Witchy wisdom and offerings, and I left with a deeper connection to Mother Earth, new friendships, a new love for sharing my voice, an ignited self purpose and feeling of belonging. Thank you for being the magical being you are Nina and for giving me the opportunity to just be and breathe. I can't recommend this Breathwork training enough! You need to  experience it for yourself


- Cecilia -

Part 2:


Click on the Month to view the Weekly Theme.

Part 2:


Click on the Month to view the Weekly Theme.

This training is beyond learning about the breath and how to hold a safe and sacred space. Not only do I feel like a different person leaving- more liberated, expressed, free and supported- but I also feel like I’ve learnt so much about how to alchemist, transform and heal through nature, singing and our breath. I can't recommend this enough! Nina is the most beautiful teacher and spaceholder and I can't imagine a safer space. This was one of the most transformational trainings I’ve been to and it reminded and taught me so much about love, life and nature


- Malvina -


What you'll Achieve with this Program:


Upon successful completion of the final 3 months of the Wild Bloom Sacred Space Training, you will not only have undergone a profound personal transformation, but you will also earn the esteemed titles of Certified Breathwork Facilitator and Sacred Space Holder. These titles solidify your expertise and readiness to guide others on their transformative journeys of breathwork and holistic healing. Your accomplishments during this time will equip you with the following:


  • Certified Breathwork Facilitator: You will have gained comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in breathwork techniques, enabling you to facilitate transformative breathwork sessions for individuals and groups. This certification attests to your mastery of conscious, connected breathwork and your ability to guide others in harnessing its power for emotional release, stress reduction and inner peace.


  • Sacred Space Holder: As a Sacred Space Holder, you have cultivated the qualities of a heart-centered leader. This title signifies your ability to create and hold sacred, nurturing spaces for people to explore their inner worlds, heal and grow. You'll empower others with compassion, authenticity and intuition, and foster a sense of safety and trust within your sacred circles.


These titles not only validate your personal growth and mastery of holistic practices, but also serve as a testament to your commitment to guiding others toward their own healing and empowerment. They open doors of opportunity for you to share your wisdom, positively impact lives, and contribute to the well-being of your community.


By embarking on this transformative journey, you'll not only gain comprehensive expertise in breathwork and herbalism but also nurture a deeper connection with yourself, the natural world, and a vibrant community of like-minded individuals


Nina's breathwork course is truly transformative and a real insight packed learning on how so much of what we hold inside us and how the power of breath and working with our chakras can make such magic shifts. Nina has so much knowledge and holds the space in a unique way that makes you feel like you could listen to all her wisdom for a long time. If anything, I would have loved to do it all again since it was so wonderful. I’m so grateful for her and all her knowledge.


- Madeleine -


About Your Host:

Nina Medicina, Nordic Medicine Woman


After 17 years in the high-stress world of fast fashion, Nina embarked on a transformative journey from a relentless human "do-ing" to a mindful human "be-ing." Overwhelmed and burnt out, she travelled the globe, exploring a myriad of healing modalities to find health, peace, and purpose. Today, Nina cultivates a life filled with serenity and heart-centered decisions, continually nurturing her calm nervous system.

Nina's extensive training includes:

  • 3 years immersed in Herbalism and Green Witchcraft with The Gaia School of Healing and The School of the Sacred Wild.
  • Herbal Medicine for Women training with Dr. Aviva Romm.
  • Certified Holistic Health Coach from IIN.
  • 200 YTT AMBA Woman's Embodiment Teacher.
  • Breathwork Facilitator, trained by David Elliott.
  • 100-hr Sound Ceremonialist certified by Sound Ceremony Academy.
  • Sound Temple Training from Sounds of Light Residential Mystery School.
  • Certified Emotional Release Practitioner (Nasomo Technique).
  • Trained in Trauma and Tension Release Technique (TRE).

Her profound connection with nature was further enriched through countless retreats, ceremonies, and a transformative permaculture experience in Costa Rica. Inspired by nature's rhythms, Nina continues to unlearn societal impositions and rediscover her innate wisdom.

At her sanctuary, The Wild Meadow in southern Sweden, and her burgeoning co-created retreat space in Guatemala, Nina cultivates environments for transformation, rest, rewilding, and relearning. These spaces host conscious gatherings, embodying her vision of living in harmony with nature.

Wild Bloom was born from Nina's desire to provide deeper, more immersive experiences that foster community, sisterhood, healing, and accountability—all synchronized with Earth’s gentle pace. This profound connection unfolds through rituals, ceremonies, and the power of breath.

Awakening her inner medicine woman, Nina has embraced self-care and love practices that have profoundly deepened her work, leading to:

  • A comforting peace within, enhancing both body and nervous system health.
  • An elevated capacity to manifest and receive abundantly.
  • A natural radiance and resurgence of creativity.
  • A newfound zest for life, leading a desire-led existence free from societal constraints.

Nina's world is one of magic and profound transformation, and she is eager to share this powerful awakening with you.

The course in transformational breathwork with Nina was absolutely amazing.
All the knowledge that Nina shares regarding our breath, energy bodies, self care practices and how to create your own breathwork sessions is fantastic and we learned so much! All topics are very interesting and awaken so much self reflection and also self love ❤️
We were 11 beautiful souls in our group and Nina with her fantastic personality made us feel very safe in our sacred space. We felt like sisters and shared experiences from the bottom of our hearts along our journey in this course. This is very special and a gift to feel supported by so many loving souls. Thank you all for this sacred space and all your love ❤️


- Sofia -

Are You Ready to Get Started?

 Begin your journey with one of our flexible payment solutions: 


Part 1 Only

Not sure if a full certification is for you?

Get your journey started with Part 1 only.


Single Full Payment

€ 1995


Get a free 1:1 online Breathwork Session with me when paying in full

(Value 170 €)


Part 1 - Single Payment

Payment Plan

€ 555 / month x 4

Part 1 - Payment Plan

Part 2 Only

Already completed Part 1?

Register for Part 2 to get your certification.


Single Full Payment

€ 1995


Get a free 1:1 online Breathwork Session with me when paying in full

(Value 170 €)


Part 2 - Single Payment

Payment Plan

€ 795 / month x 3

Part 2 - Payment Plan

Full Package

Ready to make a full commitment?

Register for both parts upfront and save!


Single Full Payment

€ 3495 

Get a free 1:1 online Breathwork Session with me when paying in full

(Value 170 €)

Save  € 495 vs Part 1 & 2 separately

Full Package - Single Payment

Payment Plan

€ 555 / month x 7

Full Package - Payment Plan

Payment Plan

€ 499 / month x 4

Part 1 - Payment Plan

Payment Plan

€ 695 / month x 3

Part 2 - Payment Plan

Payment Plan

€ 499 / month x 7

Full Package - Payment Plan

If you are feeling deeply called to do this work but your financial resources are limited, you can apply for one of our Extended Payment Plans.

Extended Payment Plans are limited to only a few seats per program, so acceptance is not guaranteed, and is awarded based on availability and merit.

Click here to apply.

As a student of this program, you'll enjoy exclusive benefits from Örtagubben!


You'll receive a 10% discount on all herbs to support your holistic journey. Additionally, we'll provide you with monthly recommendations on which herbs to work with, ensuring that you have the guidance you need for your herbal practices and medicine making.

Nina's ceremonies and trainings are true medicine. She creates such a safe and sacred space for you to tap out of the monkey mind and into the body to start your journey towards deep healing and getting to know your own inner healer. I just finished her ceremonial breathwork training and it has left me with a great feeling of self awareness and self love.
The training is filled with so much knowledge about the science of breath and the physical and psychical benefits, how to create you own and to guide others through ceremonies, self love and self care routines, meditations and much much more.
With Nina's grace, authentic self, great wisdom and knowledge she has created a training with healing modalities from different disciplines woven together by the raw and powerful life force of transformational breathing. To be in community, ceremony and training with a group of women so brave, vulnerable and honest - guided forward safely and firm but gently - has deeply nourished my soul. Thank you Nina


- Sofia -

I invite you to imagine a journey where you transform your overall health, enrich your emotional well-being, and experience lasting positive changes in your life and the lives of those around you.


You deserve this incredible journey of transformation


Join me in this journey where you'll not only learn but truly embody wisdom. Together, we'll unlock a life filled with balance, energy, and joy



Imagine transforming your well-being, enriching your mental health, and experiencing lasting positive change.


You deserve this remarkable transformation!


Join us to not only learn, but to embody wisdom and unlock a life of balance, vitality, and joy.